Meet the committee (2016)
Left of image:-
Left to Right: Norah Rymer, Jenny Humphrey, Jean Taylor
Right of image:-
Left to Right: Jill Catchpole, Cheryl Steele, Nick Gosling, Pam Bryant
Chairman: Cheryl Steele
Cheryl moved to Stickford in 1983 and developed her interest in the history of it once she retired and formed the group. She is interested in all aspects of Stickford, with particular interest in the church, schools and war memorials.
Treasurer: Jill Catchpole
Jill has lived in Stickford for most of her life and has a deep knowledge of the village and people. Her particular interest is the people connected with Stickford and she has produced many family trees.
Secretary: Pam Bryant
Pam has lived in the village for many years and is the chairman of Stickford Parish Council. She has a general interest in Stickford and its inhabitants. She is also very interested to hear the many recollections of residents who have lived in the village for a long time.
Jenny Humphrey
Jenny has a general interest in history, and local history in particular. As a resident since 1985 she enjoys learning about the village of Stickford and its surroundings.
Jean Taylor
Jean is connected with many village organisations and walks round the village regularly. She is able to help with identifying places and spreading news about our group to others.
Nick Gosling
Nick lives in Stickney and has developed an archive of information and photos of it. He is also interested in Stickford and his help is invaluable when we stage exhibitions and events.
Ken Richard
Ken retired to Stickford in 2015 and Lincolnshire is a new county for him and full of new interests. He is benefitting from learning from others and from such a knowledgeable group as the history society adding much to his own research into the area.